Best Stain Remover For Baby Items (even old stains!)

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The greatest laundry hack I discovered was using OxiClean powder to get out stains, and brighten laundry! When my babies have blowouts, I use OxiClean every time to get out those stubborn mustard-colored stains. I love using OxiClean because it gets out stains EVERY time! Don’t worry if your clothes have already been through the dryer, this stuff will take out dried-on stains too!

Our babies are 4 ½ months old now, and the most common day to day stains I deal with are drool (hello teething phase), breastmilk, spit up, and baby poop. OxiClean is a miracle worker because none of their clothes have stains. I also appreciate that OxiClean makes their clothes like brand new again, and it doesn’t fade clothing. 

If you have received hand-me-down baby clothes that are stained, or you plan on giving away baby clothes, make sure to use this stain remover method to make the clothes like new again! This method also works for other clothes and linens as well!

My mom was sharing some keepsakes from when I was a baby, and she gave me my rattle from when I was born in 1992 (as of this post 31 years ago!). The rattle is in excellent condition, just a bit yellowed. I thought, I wonder if I can make it like new again? I tried the OxiClean method, and it worked!

It is very simple to instantly remove stains using OxiClean powder. First, bring a pot of water to a simmer. If I have one or two items that need to be cleaned, I use either my 2 or 3-quart pots and fill them half way with cold water. If I have several items that need to be cleaned, I use a 12-quart pot and fill it with about a third full of cold water. 

For 1-2 items, I fill the blue scoop to the #2 line with the powder and add to the simmering water. Add more powder as needed. The powder will start to foam, like a bath bomb. Next, add the clothes, be mindful to add light colored clothes with like colors, and dark colored clothes with dark colors to prevent color bleed/transfer. Allow them to soak for 15 minutes. For several items, add half of the blue scoop to the simmering water, again adding more as needed. Then soak for 15 minutes. 

My baby rattle from 1992, now for my babies in 2024! Before and after OxiClean

After the 15 minutes are up,  add clothes and hot water to laundry load like normal. In the case of this baby rattle, I just rinsed with cold water and let it air dry. 


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