Why I Quit Social Media

I thought social media was the key to staying “close” and “connected” with family.

Bible Verses When You Are Struggling with Your Past

Thank God I Am Redeemed

How to Prioritize Your Day

There are times when I neglect my morning routine. Weekends are often times for later mornings and, as a result, more people about the house which doesn't lend itself to that quiet time with God. Vacation is another time when my routine is just off.

New Year's Resolutions 2021

Each year I create goals for the new year that I wish to accomplish. In my hospitality courses in college, one of the principles that was ingrained in my mind was SMART goals. This stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-based. 

Peace During The Storm of Uncertainty

During pain and crisis, I have seen time and time again gestures of kindness, outpours of love not only in my life but observing the world around me.

Creating A Positive Mindset – What Type of Music Changed My Life

Changing my music made me aware of my thought life. My brain was absorbing music that wasn’t always positive, uplifting, or kind. 

9 Communication Mistakes You Might be Doing

Anyone can learn to be a better communicator by observing their communication habits, and avoiding these 9 communication mistakes.

Forgiving Your Past and Learning to Love Yourself

Everyone has a past. Everyone has a record. Nobody is perfect. How can it be so hard forgiving our pasts sometimes?

The Impact of Kindness on Others

Kindness is an incredible tool to use daily, and the more you show kindness, the better human being you are.