Pumping Exclusively with Using Only the Haakaa

I have two Haakaa pumps that I use often to collect my breastmilk. I typically tandem feed my twins, so I rarely wear one while I am breastfeeding. I wear the Haakaas after I breastfeed my babies to keep stimulating my body to create more milk.

5 Tips to Set Up a Meal Train for New Moms

Guide to Storing Breastmilk in Mason Jars

I store my breastmilk in 4oz Mason jars in the fridge and freezer. I love the 4oz size because they easily stack on each other, and they do not take up a lot of space in the fridge.

Dealing with Holiday Stress and How to Enjoy The Holidays

My First Blog Post!

Happy New Year! I am excited to begin my journey of becoming a blogger!‍ The idea of starting a blog came to me years ago, but I never did anything with that idea.‍

4 Apps to Make You Some Pocket Change

Most of these apps take time (keyword), but a little goes a long way, and it does add up over time! I have tried a few different money making apps, and the below have been successful for me.

8 Simple Ways to Save $10,000 in 6 Months

Benjamin Franklin undoubtedly was an expert on money management. One of his financial quotes is “Rather go to bed without dinner than to rise in debt.”