Grown Up Christmas List

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What a year 2020 has been. I feel everyone is still in disbelief in what the last 12 months have been like.

This year, I have put things into perspective, and I may not be asking for a lot of physical presents this year, but I am asking for a lot of other things.

Although this year has been tough, I am so grateful for the good that has come out of 2020. I got to know our new neighbors, I was able to spend more time with my husband in our first year of marriage (we never had the same days off pre-pandemic), we got to work on our home, I got to launch my blog and revamp my cookie business, and take time to study for my CMP designation. We also adopted an orange kitten, celebrated my cat’s 17th bday, and we got some cool fish.Thank the Lord we always had toilet paper (even when the tp raids were happening), food on our plates, and positive Christian music to listen to everyday. It’s really the little things guys.

My Grown Up Christmas List 2020

  • For others to know the love of Jesus
  • Spreading kindness to become the norm
  • For people to be more considerate on the road
  • A vaccine for COVID
  • Business owners to stay safe and have their businesses thrive
  • For Democrats and Republicans to respect each other’s views and opinions
  • To go on a missions trip sometime soon
  • For my cookie business to help the community
  • For our families to always cherish, respect and love each other
  • For churches to open up again soon
  • For life to go back to normal again
  • For more positive news in the media
  • Racism to end and people show love and respect to everyone of all ethnicities
  • Nice texts from friends and family
  • For homeless people to have a hot meal, a chance to work, a nice warm shower and to soon be off the cold streets

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year’s. ❤️


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